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1677 (a): Golconda / Hyderabad, probable decade error1677 map
Documented causes: n/a
Documented effects: b/a

A. Loveday, "The history & economics of Indian famines" (1914)
pp26-7: "A contemporary writer states that in 1677 'all persons were destroyed by famine excepting two or three in each village.' [Source: Mackenzie MSS., vol. iv. p. 34.] But from the detailed list of food prices which he adds, grain never appears to have risen above three times the normal level …" [Given that page 34 ought to deal with the same events as pages 33 and 35, "1677" is likely to be a mistake for 1687. The Mackenzie manuscripts were collected early in the 19th century by Colin Mackenzie, surveyor-general of India. They have been catalogued, but never printed in full.]
H.V. Balkundi, "Famines and Droughts in the Indian Subcontinent ..." (in Y.L. Nene (ed.) "Glimpses of the Agricultural Heritage of India", 2007)
p802, Table 1: "1677   Hyderabad region   Excessive rains. Great mortality." [Again, the unusual circumstances of this famine match those found in 1687]
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